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Hazrat Muhammed Peacebe upon him [Our Holy Leader
Surrah Muhammed
Translation of Holy Quran by Mohsin Khan holy Quran/index Chapter 47 Muhammad 38 verses, Madina www.eQuran.org 1. Those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of Prophet Muhammad SAW ), and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah (Islamic Monotheism), He will render their deeds vain . 2. But those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and believe in that which is sent down to Muhammad (SAW), for it is the truth from their Lord, He will expiate from them their sins, and will make good their state. 3. That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus does Allah set forth their parables for mankind. 4. So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allahs Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus (you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection), but if it had been Allahs Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost, 5. He will guide them and set right their state. 6. And admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise more than they used to know their houses in the world). 7. O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm. 8. But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), for them is destruction, and (Allah) will make their deeds vain. 9. That is because they hate that which Allah has sent down (this Quran and Islamic laws, etc.), so He has made their deeds fruitless. 10. Have they not travelled through the earth, and seen what was the end of those before them? Allah destroyed them completely and a similar (fate awaits) the disbelievers. 11. That is because Allah is the Maula (Lord, Master, Helper, Protector, etc.) of those who believe, and the disbelievers have no Maula (lord, master, helper, protector, etc.). 12. Certainly! Allah will admit those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), while those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat, and the Fire will be their abode. 13. And many a town, stronger than your town (Makkah) (O Muhammad SAW) which has driven you out We have destroyed. And there was none to help them. 14. Is he who is on a clear proof from his Lord, like those for whom their evil deeds that they do are beautified for them, while they follow their own lusts (evil desires)? 15. 2>The description of Paradise which the Muttaqoon (pious - see V.2:2) have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure) therein for them is every kind of fruit; and forgiveness from their Lord. (Are these) like those who shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels? 16. And among them are some who listen to you (O Muhammad SAW) till, when they go out from you, they say to those who have received knowledge: "What has he said just now? Such are men whose hearts Allah has sealed, and they follow their lusts (evil desires). 17. While as for those who accept guidance, He increases their guidance, and bestows on them their piety. 18. Do they then await (anything) other than the Hour, that it should come upon them suddenly? But some of its portents (indications and signs) have already come, and when it (actually) is on them, how can they benefit then by their reminder? 19. So know (O Muhammad SAW) that La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women. And Allah knows well your moving about, and your place of rest (in your homes). 20. Those who believe say: "Why is not a Soorah (chapter of the Quran) sent down (for us)? But when a decisive Soorah (explaining and ordering things) is sent down, and fighting (Jihad holy fighting in Allahs Cause) is mentioned (i.e. ordained) therein, you will see those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) looking at you with a look of one fainting to death. But it was better for them (hypocrites, to listen to Allah and to obey Him). 21. Obedience (to Allah) and good words (were better for them). And when the matter (preparation for Jihad) is resolved on, then if they had been true to Allah, it would have been better for them. 22. Would you then, if you were given the authority, do mischief in the land, and sever your ties of kinship? 23. Such are they whom Allah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sight. 24. Do they not then think deeply in the Quran, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding it)? 25. Verily, those who have turned back (have apostated) as disbelievers after the guidance has been manifested to them, Shaitan (Satan) has beautified for them (their false hopes), and (Allah) prolonged their term (age). 26. This is because they said to those who hate what Allah has sent down: "We will obey you in part of the matter," but Allah knows their secrets. 27. Then how (will it be) when the angels will take their souls at death, smiting their faces and their backs? 28. That is because they followed that which angered Allah, and hated that which pleased Him. So He made their deeds fruitless. 29. Or do those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy), think that Allah will not bring to light all their hidden ill-wills? 30. Had We willed, We could have shown them to you, and you should have known them by their marks, but surely, you will know them by the tone of their speech! And Allah knows all your deeds. 31. And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and the patient ones, and We shall test your facts (i.e. the one who is a liar, and the one who is truthful). 32. Verily, those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah (i.e. Islam), and oppose the Messenger ( SAW) (by standing against him and hurting him), after the guidance has been clearly shown to them, they will not hurt Allah in the least, but He will make their deeds fruitless, 33. O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) and render not vain your deeds. 34. Verily, those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah (i.e. Islam); then die while they are disbelievers, Allah will not forgive them. 35. So be not weak and ask not for peace (from the enemies of Islam), while you are having the upper hand. Allah is with you, and will never decrease the reward of your good deeds. 36. The life of this world is but play and pastime, but if you believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), and fear Allah, and avoid evil, He will grant you your wages, and will not ask you your wealth. 37. If He were to ask you of it, and press you, you would covetously withhold, and He will bring out all your (secret) ill-wills. 38. Behold! You are those who are called to spend in the Cause of Allah, yet among you are some who are niggardly. And whoever is niggardly, it is only at the expense of his ownself. But Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and you (mankind) are poor. And if you turn away (from Islam and the obedience of Allah), He will exchange you for some other people, and they will not be your likes. Top Surraha Muzzamall Translation of Holy Quran by Mohsin Khan holy Quran/index Chapter 73 Al-Muzzammil 20 verses, Mecca www.eQuran.org 1. O you wrapped in garments (i.e. Prophet Muhammad SAW)! 2. Stand (to pray) all night, except a little. 3. Half of it, or a little less than that, 4. Or a little more; and recite the Quran (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style . 5. Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty Word (i.e. obligations, legal laws, etc.). 6. Verily, the rising by night (for Tahajjud prayer) is very hard and most potent and good for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (understanding) the Word (of Allah). 7. Verily, there is for you by day prolonged occupation with ordinary duties, 8. And remember the Name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion. 9. (He Alone is) the Lord of the east and the west, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). So take Him Alone as Wakeel (Disposer of your affairs) . 10. And be patient (O Muhammad SAW) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way. 11. And leave Me Alone to deal with the beliers (those who deny My Verses, etc.), and those who are in possession of good things of life. And give them respite for a little while. 12. Verily, with Us are fetters (to bind them), and a raging Fire. 13. And a food that chokes, and a painful torment. 14. On the Day when the earth and the mountains will be in violent shake, and the mountains will be a heap of sand poured out and flowing down. 15. Verily, We have sent to you (O men) a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) to be a witness over you, as We did send a Messenger (Moosa (Moses)) to Firaun (Pharaoh) . 16. But Firaun (Pharaoh) disobeyed the Messenger (Moosa (Moses)), so We seized him with a severe punishment. 17. Then how can you avoid the punishment, if you disbelieve, on a Day that will make the children grey-headed (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)? 18. Whereon the heaven will be cleft asunder? His Promise is certainly to be accomplished. 19. Verily, this is an admonition, therefore whosoever will, let him take a Path to His Lord! 20. Verily, your Lord knows that you do stand (to pray at night) a little less than two-thirds of the night, or half the night, or a third of the night, and so do a party of those with you, And Allah measures the night and the day. He knows that you are unable to pray the whole night, so He has turned to you (in mercy). So, recite you of the Quran as much as may be easy for you. He knows that there will be some among you sick, others travelling through the land, seeking of Allahs Bounty; yet others fighting in Allahs Cause. So recite as much of the Quran as may be easy (for you), and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, and whatever good you send before you for yourselves, (i.e. Nawafil non-obligatory acts of worship: prayers, charity, fasting, Hajj and Umrah, etc.), you will certainly find it with Allah, better and greater in reward. And seek Forgiveness of Allah. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful. 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Translation of Holy Quran by Mohsin Khan holy Quran/index Chapter 70 Al-Maarij 44 verses, Mecca www.eQuran.org 1. A questioner asked concerning a torment about to befall 2. Upon the disbelievers, which none can avert, 3. From Allah, the Lord of the ways of ascent. 4. The angels and the Rooh (Jibrael (Gabriel)) ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years, 5. So be patient (O Muhammad SAW ), with a good patience. 6. Verily! They see it (the torment) afar off, 7. But We see it (quite) near. 8. The Day that the sky will be like the boiling filth of oil, (or molten copper or silver or lead, etc.). 9. And the mountains will be like flakes of wool, 10. And no friend will ask of a friend, 11. Though they shall be made to see one another ((i.e. on the Day of Resurrection), there will be none but see his father, children and relatives, but he will neither speak to them nor will ask them for any help)), - the Mujrim, (criminal, sinner, disbeliever, etc.) would desire to ransom himself from the punishment of that Day by his children. 12. And his wife and his brother, 13. And his kindred who sheltered him, 14. And all that are in the earth, so that it might save him . 15. By no means! Verily, it will be the Fire of Hell! 16. Taking away (burning completely) the head skin! 17. Calling: "(O Kafir (O disbeliever in Allah, His angels, His Book, His Messengers, Day of Resurrection and in Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments), O Mushrik (O polytheist, disbeliever in the Oneness of Allah)) (all) such as turn their backs and turn away their faces (from Faith) (picking and swallowing them up from that great gathering of mankind (on the Day of Resurrection) just as a bird picks up a food-grain from the earth with its beak and swallows it up) (Tafsir Al-Qurtubee, Vol. 18, Page 289) 18. And collect (wealth) and hide it (from spending it in the Cause of Allah). 19. Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient; 20. Irritable (discontented) when evil touches him; 21. And niggardly when good touches him;- 22. Except those devoted to Salat (prayers) 23. Those who remain constant in their Salat (prayers); 24. And those in whose wealth there is a known right, 25. For the beggar who asks, and for the unlucky who has lost his property and wealth, (and his means of living has been straitened); 26. And those who believe in the Day of Recompense, 27. And those who fear the torment of their Lord, 28. Verily! The torment of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure, 29. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts) . 30. Except with their wives and the (women slaves and captives) whom their right hands possess, for (then) they are not to be blamed, 31. But whosoever seeks beyond that, then it is those who are trespassers. 32. And those who keep their trusts and covenants; 33. And those who stand firm in their testimonies; 34. And those who guard their Salat (prayers) well , 35. Such shall dwell in the Gardens (i.e. Paradise) honoured. 36. So what is the matter with those who disbelieve that they hasten to listen from you (O Muhammad SAW), in order to belie you and to mock at you, and at Allahs Book (this Quran). 37. (Sitting) in groups on the right and on the left (of you, O Muhammad SAW)? 38. Does every man of them hope to enter the Paradise of delight? 39. No, that is not like that! Verily, We have created them out of that which they know! 40. So I swear by the Lord of all (the three hundred and sixty (360)) points of sunrise and sunset in the east and the west that surely We are Able 41. To replace them by (others) better than them; and We are not to be outrun. 42. So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, until they meet their Day which they are promised. 43. The Day when they will come out of the graves quickly as racing to a goal, 44. With their eyes lowered in fear and humility, ignominy covering them (all over)! That is the Day which they were promised! Top
mazhar rehmani: This biography has been taken by a pashtoon website which covers the realtion with the prophet's. Ibrahim Alai Salam:- He was born in Ur (oor) city of the current Iraq. The name of this city was Ur because the people of this city were worshiping fire in those days, and in those days there was a famous furnace in this city. The people of this city were busy in the worship of fire. Now the word Ur belong to the language Ibrani which was the language of those people. And the meaning of this name is fire. In pushto it is called as Ur which mean fire and we know that pushto belong to this language of Ibrahim. Ok till now we discussed some thing about the word Ur and now we would like to go forth in our discussion. This city Ur is situated in the southern Iraq in the south west of Bughdad at a distance of 230 mile. Hazrat Ibrahim was born in 2160 B.C. He was the son of Tarih bin Nahur bin Saroj bin RaAo bin Filij bin Abar. Hazrat Ibrahim had two brothers also, whose names were Nahur and Haran. Hazrat Loot Alai Salaam was the son of Haran. Hazrat Ibrahim had three wives in total, Sarah, Hajra and Qatoora. Hazrat Sarah gave birth to Hazrat Ishaaq Alai Salaam who was the second son of Ibrahim and when Ishaaq alai salam was born the age of hazrat ismaeel was 14 years and the age of Ibrahim was 100 years.The descendants of Ishaaq are known as Bani Ishaaq and it is to be noted in mind that pakhtuns or pakhtoons are the descendants of Yaqoob alai salam who was the son of this Ishaaq Alai Salam. The second wife Hajra gave birth to Hazrat Ismaeel and the descendants of Ismaeel are known as Bani Ismaeel. Hajra was the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt who was the resident of Iraq but was settled in Egypt and became the king of Egypt. The third wife Qatoora gave birth to six sons, isbaq, madan, zamran, sokh, madayan and yaqshan and the descendants of Qatoora are known as Bani Qatoora. Then Yaqshan had two sons shiba and dodan or dodal. Hazrat Ibrahim passed some of his life in Iraq and then he went to Syria with his wife Hazrat Sara and his nephew hazrat Loot. Hazrat Ibrahim died at the age of 175 years in Syria. He was buried in the land of Afran who was the son of Sahar in Kinaan. This land was bought by hazrat Ibrahim for this purpose. Similarly hazrat Sara, hazrat Yaqoob, Hazrat Yosuf and Hazrat Ishaaq were also buried here with Hazrat Ibrahim in this land. This place is now known as baithullahm or khalil. And at this place hazrat Isaa Alai Salam were also born. Now we would like to extend the story of hazrat Ishaaq alai salam and Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam, because pakhtoons are the descendants of Ishaaq Alai Salam and Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam. mazhar rehmani: Hazrat Ishaaq Alai Salam and Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam :- He is also called as Izhaaq or Zahaaq. He married Rabaqa who was the daughter of Baith Waeel. Baith Waeel was the son of Nahur and Nahur was the brother of Hazrat Ibrahim. Hazrat Ishaaq had two sons from Rabaqa. The two sons were Eisoo and Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam. Because Hazrat Yaqoob was born in Syria, so he was called by his son Hazrat Yosuf Alai Salam from Syria to Egypt and he lived for 430 years in Egypt. After 430 years he was again called by Hazrat Musa Alai Salam (Moses). Then hazrat ishaaq alai salam died at the age of 180 years and was buried beside the grave of Ibrahim. Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam :- The descendants of Yaqoob Alai Salam are known as Bani Israel and we Pakhtoons have heard from our elders that we are Bani Israel in origin. We have not only heard it but we have also our genealogical records (shajara-e-nasab). Hazrat Yaqoob was also known as Israel. This name was given to him by the God and the meaning of Israel is “the traveler at the night time”. It is because he had left Syria at night time as his brother Eisoo was in search of his death because of some reason. Then in after he had came back to Syria as his brother Eisoo was very sad about him. His father Hazrat Ishaaq Alai Salam sent him to Iraq where he married the daughter of Labin. Labin was the brother of Rabaqa. The Labin’s daughter’s name was Layya. Hazrat Yaqoob married with Layya and a girl or lass given with Layya also. So Yaqoob had now two wives one was Layya and other was a girl given with Layya by her father, the name of he girl was Zulfa. Then Labin gave his other daughter to hazrat yaqoob and another girl also. The name of the second daughter was Rahel and the name of the girl given with Rahel was Balha. Therefore Hazrat Yaqoob had four wives in total, Layya, Zulfa, Rahel and Balha. Hazrat Yaqoob had twelve sons whose explanation is given as follows. From Layya he had four sons: Yahuda, Ladi, Robin and Shamoon. From Zulfa he had four sons: Zaboloon, Yasakar, Aashar and Jid. From Rahel he had two sons: Yosuf and Bin Yamin. From Balha he had two sons: Dan and Naftali In the period of famine (failure of the harvest) Hazrat Yaqoob was called by his son Hazrat Yosuf Alai Salam to Egypt. When he went to Egypt his age was 130 years. He lived there for about 17 years and died at the age of 147 years in Egypt. He was also brought to Syria Kinaan according to his sayings and buried there with his father Hazrat Ishaaq and grand father Hazrat Ibrahim. Then Hazrat Yosuf was also died at the age of 110 years and according to his sayings he was also brought to Syria and was buried with his ancestors. mazhar rehmani: Hazrat Musa Alai Salam After Yosuf Alai Salam the life of Bani Israel was not passing good in the Egypt and in the period of Musa Alai Salam, Bani Israel were brought to Syria. However Pharaoh (Firoun) tried to stop them but they got the way in the river of Neil and Pharaoh drown in the river. Musa brought his nation Israel to Elum and they stayed beside the mountain of Toor. Then God ordered them to go to Palestine where the Amaliqa nation was living in Palestine. Because God had ordered them to conquer Palestine and they could not conquered Palestine, so God became sad and ordered them to live in the desert of Sina for about 40 years. Bani Israel and their ascension (rising) :- When Israel conquered Palestine and the other nearest areas they divided it in their tribes according to the sayings of Musa Alai Salam. The areas they were conquered was ruling by 31 kings. Israel ruled on that areas for about 1400 years successively. They had about 70 sardars (head of the region) who were ruling their related areas for more than 400 years. In after when the situation became dangerous they selected Hazrat Taloot as their king and he killed Jaloot the king of Palestine. Hazrat Taloot ruled for about 47 years and then he died. After him Hazrat Dawood Alai Salam became the king of Israel. He ruled for about 40 years and then died. After him Hazrat Solomon Alai Salam became the king of Israel. He ruled for about 52 years and then died. mazhar rehmani: Decline (setting) of Bani Israel: When Solomon Alai Salam died, Bani Israel decided to make their new king for them. For this purpose they decided to select the son of Hazrat Solomon, Rajaam as their king. Israel were twelve tribes in total and ten of them became worry from Rajaam because of some reason. Therefore the ten tribes decided to make their own king and state. They made Yarbaam as their king and he was also the son of Solomon. The name of their state was Israelia and their king was Yarbaam. The two tribes made their own state “Yahudia” and their king was Rajaam. When they divided their state in two states they became weak and from that day their destruction began. They were quarrelling among each other and were killing each other. During many prohets were sent by Allah to them but they were not obeying them and the God. Hazrat musa alai salam had told them that God says that I like Israel very much and I will give them kingdom and every thing they want. But if they did not obeyed me and left worshiping me, I will destroy them. We do know that when they started quarrelling among them, they became weak and weak, and the other nations like Asyrian and Babil crashed them. When these nations attacked Syria they exiled the Israel from their homeland and it was the time when the came out of Syria. They were brought by the enemies to Khorasan in Iran and settled them there in Iran and some were settled in other areas too. Shah Darvesh: JAZAK ALLAH FR SHARIN.............................. Navigation [0